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Our Vision

Bring value to your customers through best in class personal finance tools. Unify financial services, engage with your customers, grow your business with nowadays technology.


Who we are

Founded in 2021, Sniptech adds value to your customers by providing best-in-class personal finance tools. With today’s technology, you can unify financial services, engage with your customers, and grow your business.


Shape your own solution and improve your customer experience. The traditional customer interaction model is dead. Next generation customer interaction is an ecosystem of valuable tools and services, powered by cutting-edge technology. Accessible to today’s customer, but built with tomorrow’s customer in mind.


We want to enable you to build your own unique ecosystem of (financial) products and services to bring value to your customers and optimize engagement. To enable this, we offer customizable and intelligent API technology.

Our Values


We aren’t just talking tech, we are tech.


We aren’t afraid to make calculated leaps where others have yet to go.


We’ve assembled a team that is continually pursuing ways to grow our position in the FinTech space.


Happy employees do better work.



We provide a single, intuitive, multi-purpose API solution that empowers you to pick and choose the right tools to improve your customers’ experience and help them to get more out of their budget. As a gateway to personal finance services, we meet the challenge of the ever-evolving digitalized consumer experience by providing a secure, one-stop-shop API on customer platforms.

With our years of experience in the industry, we are using our knowledge to enhance what works and throw away what doesn’t, while laying a technological foundation to organically create the future we want, and seamlessly adapt to whatever future the FinTech landscape throws at us.

They already trust us

Take your next evolutionary step with SnipTech