The real value of Sniptech

The real value of Sniptech

Combine our different APIs to deliver a best-in-class experience with a full connection of the services. Leverage the power of using one unique API under one single platform.


Open Banking & Cashback

Make it relevant, make it instant, make it a reward so good your customers can only click buy. With our Open Banking and Cashback API combined, you win the game, because you’re playing by new rules.


Data powered cashback

We combined Open Banking and Cashback to offer bespoke rewards, and create loyalty programs that keep customers’ eyes glued to you.


Immediate payouts for immediate customer retention

Everyone wants their reward in the moment. And you can give it to them with our Open Banking and Cashback solution. Integrate PSD2 and start offering customers instant cashback payouts.


Hit the mark every time with data driven offers

Powered by PSD2 data, you’ll be that friend who always gives the perfect gift. Generate targeted and bespoke cashback rewards on products you know your customers want.

One API for everything personal finance

White-label solution

Use our API ecosystem your way

15+ countries

A complete solution designed for international expansion

Complete user experience

Bring customers relevance, speed and performance in one place

Risk free innovation

Go fast and limit integration risk using one API for everything personal finance

Flexible ecosystem

One single API adapts to any use case and customer environment

Support included

API installation and operation support included

They already trust us
Independer whiteSuscraib whiteSatsback whitePricewise whiteWoolsocks white

Take your next evolutionary step with SnipTech